Monthly Archives: February 2015

January Harvest

For 2015 I’m adding approximate dollar value calculations to our monthly garden record keeping. I’m also using a new  digital scale to better capture weights of small harvests, like herbs.

The winter veggies have been slower to come on this year, but the oranges started early.

Here’s the list!

  • Basil ‘Aroma 1’: .01 lbs.
  • Broccoli ‘Fiesta’: .4 lbs.    (@$2.99/lb=$1.20)
  • Broccoli ‘Umpqua’: .82 lbs.    (@$2.99/lb=$2.45)
  • Butter lettuce: .34 lbs    ($3.32/lb=$1.13)
  • Cabbage ‘Parel’: 4.9 lbs.    (@$1.49/lb=$7.30)
  • Carrot ‘Nantaise’: 1.43    (@$0.99/lb=$1.42)
  • Chard ‘Fordhook’: .14 lbs.    (@$5/lb=$0.70)
  • Cilantro: .12 lbs.    (@$7.16/lb=$0.86)
  • Eggs (Ameraucana 7): 7    (@$0.33/egg=$2.33)
  • Kale ‘Wild Kale Blend’: .1 lbs.    (@$5/lb=$0.50)
  • Kale ’Winterbor’: .13 lbs.    ($5/lb=$0.65)
  • Kohlrabi ‘Delicacy White’: 1.33 lbs.    (@$2.99/lb?=$3.98)
  • Lettuce ‘All-Season Romaine’: .76 lbs.    ($1.66/lb=$1.26)
  • Lime ‘Bearrs’: .14 lbs.    (@$1.99/lb=$0.28)
  • Navel oranges: 38.61 lbs.    ($2.49/lb=$96.13)
  • Mustard ‘Ruby Streaks’: .1 lbs.    (@$5/lb=$0.50)
  • Mustard ‘Tah Tsoi’: .06 lbs.    (@$5/lb=$0.30)
  • Parsley ‘Dark Green Italian Plain’: .31 lbs.    (@$7.16/lb=$2.22)
  • Spring onion ‘Purplette’: .25 lbs.    ($3/lb= $0.74)

Total: 49.95 lbs. ($123.95)

2015 egg count: 7
